National police chiefs collaborated with counter-terrorism Fusion Center targeting peaceful protest

National police chiefs collaborated with counter-terrorism Fusion Center targeting peaceful protest

First order of business for police chiefs' intelligence-sharing subcommittee: Occupy

The documents below are part of 4,000 pages obtained by the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund. To see all the documents, and read the PCJF report, visit

The documents reveal that the police chiefs of major U.S. cities created an “Emerging Issues” Subcommittee and that “The first issue the committee is working is the Occupy Movement.” The document explaining the subcommittee states, “At the present time it is our intention to utilize the services of the Southern Nevada Counter Terrorism Center to collect, analyze and disseminate bulletins twice a week.”

The distribution list for these Fusion Center-issued bulletins includes virtually every single Fusion Center in the United States. See below:

Emerging Issues subcommittee formed

These twice-a-week documents were sent through the national network of dozens of counter-terrorism Fusion Centers:

Emerging Issues subcommittee recipient list

PCJF Executive Director Mara Verheyden-Hilliard stated: "The U.S. Fusion Centers are using their vast counter-terrorism resources to target the domestic social justice movement as a criminal or terrorist enterprise. This is an abuse of power and corruption of democracy." 

Carl Messineo, PCJF Legal Director, stated: "Fusion Centers are supposedly targeting terrorists planning catastrophic acts of violence. Instead, they target peaceful dissent. Rather than being a challenge to terrorism, the Fusion Centers are a threat to civil liberties, democratic dissent and the social and political fabric of this country. The time has long passed for the centers to be defunded."

To read the full PCJF report on the Fusion Centers' domestic spying operation, follow this link

The Partnership for Civil Justice Fund has also initiated a nationwide campaign to flood Congress and the President with letters demanding that the Fusion Centers be de-funded and ended immediately.

We need your help! PCJF attorneys have worked for years to expose the government's use of counter-terrorism authority against the peace and social justice movement, including the Occupy movement. Please make an urgently needed tax-deductible contribution to support these efforts in defense of freedom, dissent and constitutional rights.